
Zimride is a secure ride-sharing platform for companies and universities.

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Coworkers and students connect through a private network to carpool to the same destination, relieving parking and traffic congestion, reducing the carbon footprint and improving sustainability – not to mention sharing the savings on gas.


Create a profile.
Securely log into your private network for your corporation or university.
Search for rides or riders.
Tell us where you need to go and how you'd like to get there.
Find a match.
Get matched with a ride or a rider in your network.
能用的vp n
Chat with your fellow Zimrider as you reduce your carbon footprint and save on gas.
Pay and review.
Pay for your ride, and leave a review of your fellow Zimrider.
Ending Location


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Corporation University


Not only does Zimride save employees' time and money, reduce stress, and help them get to know their coworkers, but it also provides incredible benefits to corporations.


  • 手机youtube免翻
  • Reduces carbon footprint, improves sustainability
  • Increases employee productivity and promotes wellness
  • Provides a recruiting and retention benefit
  • Offers a solution for office relocation

Easy to Implement

  • Key statistics to report savings, activity and growth
  • A fully hosted, private solution with email or single-sign on authentication
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  • Extensive marketing support
  • A clean and easy user interface
  • Co-branding opportunities


Zimride not only improves the quality of student life – offering students a way to save time and money, to meet new people and an easy solution for traveling home for the holidays or weekend trips – but it also benefits the university itself.

Low Cost & High Impact Solution

  • Reduces campus traffic
  • Reduces infrastructure costs and parking congestion
  • Reduces carbon footprint, improves sustainability
  • Offers a unique benefit for students and faculty to improve recruiting and retention
  • Complements shuttles, bike and car sharing programs
  • Fosters a stronger sense of community


  • Key statistics to report savings, activity and growth
  • A fully hosted, private solution with email or single-sign on authentication
  • A dedicated rideshare specialist
  • Extensive marketing support
  • A clean and easy user interface
  • Co-branding opportunities

Bring Zimride to your organization

Ready for Zimride on your campus? Our rideshare specialists are ready to bring the best Zimride experience possible to employees or students in your organization.

Contact Zimride

Catch a ride

Are you a corporate employee or university student? You may already have access to Zimride! Find your network and start sharing.

Not finding a Network? Request Zimride